Friday, June 1, 2012

Point of Retreat by Colleen Hoover

(Slammed series, book 2)
Hardships and heartache brought them together…now it will tear them apart. Layken and Will have proved their love can get them through anything’ until someone from Will’s past re-emerges, leaving Layken questioning the very foundation on which their relationship was built. Will is forced to face the ultimate challenge…how to prove his love for a girl who refuses to stop ‘carving pumpkins.’

“It’s the clear headedness behind her voice and the calm, reasonable expression in her eyes that rips the heart right out of my chest. She turns to leave, and all I can do is let her go. I just let her go.” - Will

I have such a bittersweet feeling with the end of this two-book series. I’m sad that the story of Layken and Will is over, but I honestly don’t think my emotions could handle another book! This is absolutely one of my favorite series that I’ve read, and I can sum up how I feel about it in three words: “IT’S BUTTERFLYING PERFECT!” (You’ll get it if you read the book.) I wrote a review about the first book of the series, Slammed, and I’m sorry if this one sounds repetitive, but the way I felt about Slammed is very similar to how I feel about Point of Retreat.

Unlike the first book which is written from Lake’s perspective, Will is the narrator in this book. I wasn’t sure how I felt about that at first, but it didn’t take me long to love it just as much as I did Lake’s narration. I didn’t think it was possible to love Will any more than I did after finishing Slammed; I was wrong. His love not only for Lake, but for Caulder and Kel is so admirable. The responsibilities he handles on a daily basis made me forget that he’s only twenty one. AND…OH. MY. GOODNESS! What he does for Lake as a final attempt to show her how much he loves everything about her was so freaking perfect! I would melt like a stick of butter on a hot day if a guy did that for me!

My favorite characters from Slammed were back; Lake, Will, Eddie, Gavin, Kel, and Caulder are all just as fantastically written in this sequel. Kel and Caulder are still best friends, and have gotten even funnier than they were in Slammed. My favorite new character we are introduced to is Kiersten – an odd, outspoken, hilarious, lovable, too-mature-for-her-age eleven-year-old who lives on their street and is in Kel and Caulder’s class at school. It seriously broke my heart when she was talking to Will about how being bullied didn’t even bother her anymore because she’s used to it. I cried. Yep, that’s right. I broke down and cried in this book AND the first one! I just absolutely adored Kiersten so much, and to think of her being bullied made my heart hurt.

The issues that arise in Will and Lake’s relationship really test their relationship, physically and emotionally. I love these two characters so much, and I remember saying out loud “Please, please, pleeeeease let them work things out!!” I feel like I’m in their relationship with them! That’s how freaking invested I am! I don’t want to give away any spoilers so I won’t go into any details, but much like Slammed, my emotions were playing tug-of-war with each other. I felt for both of them and I found it impossible to take sides! Their love for each other is just incredible, and it put a pit in my stomach when I thought that it was possible they might not end up together.

Here are just a couple other reasons why this book is worthy of 5 stars:
- Suck and Sweet. This is so awesome, and I can't wait until I have kids so I can do this with them.
- Kiersten's slam (GET SOME, GIRL!)
- Caulder's slam
- Will's slam for Lake (I know I already talked about it, but it deserves another mention)
- Kiersten's mom, Sherry
- The vase full of stars
- Will and Lake's incredibly adorable and powerful love for each other
- The "one more time" after Will says I love you to Lake (so freaking adorable)

Colleen Hoover just wrote two books that are now some of my favorites that I’ve ever read. I was so emotionally invested in these characters that it was almost scary. I honestly can’t think of one negative thing to say. This book was just as beautifully written as Slammed, and I was completely mesmerized by every single story line. Colleen Hoover, thank you so much for this incredible two-book series. I will forever recommend it and if I ever find myself ‘carving pumpkins’, I’ll remember these books and force myself to stop. 

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